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Words of Wisdom…From Brandie Alexander

Stop laughing!  I didn't say they were my words of wisdom…

Being a parent, I have come to realize that my world has become all about my kiddos.  Depending on what's going on the day – it can be happy, silly, sad, serious and sometimes just downright hysterical.  I have found that through it all my "quote of the day" that mysteriously appears in my email inbox often provides me a quick minute to reflect on the insanity and help me realize that it's not so insane after all.  

What does this mean for you?  Well, I'm glad you asked. 

My goal for 2014 is to give you a daily dose of sanity…a little quote or joke to help get you through the day.  Don't worry, I'll still sprinkle in tidbits about my babies and family but my overall hope is to put a smile on your face everyday. 

Today's Deep Thought…

Never stick your finger in the baby's diaper to confirm your suspicions.  Better to always assume there's poop.

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