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Clean Up, Feel Better?

Marie Kondo

Does having a dirty house make you feel bad? According to a new poll,  40% of people say that their mood is greatly affected by the cleanliness of their home.

Having children can affect the level of chaos in a house, though. Even the ‘Queen of Clean’, Marie Kondorecently said she has to let things slide after the birth of her third kiddo.

However, maintaining order in your living space can make a positive difference in how you feel. Around 40% of people surveyed claim that their mood is improved when their home is clean, while 39% claim a dirty house ‘somewhat affects’ their mood. Only 5% say that their mood isn’t affected in any way by the mess around them. How does a messy place make YOU feel? Does it bring you joy, or is it the opposite? Throw a few things away and see what happens!

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