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The Morning Message from Mom

I recently heard a story about a dad who put a small note in his daughter's backpack everyday beginning with her first day in kindergarten.  First, when she was learning to read they were simple – sometimes just pictures and then as she grew so did the messages.  He shared words of love, words of inspiration, words of encouragement. 

Today she's a senior in high school and has saved every note.  Go ahead and say it…AWWWW. 

What a fantastic idea and what a wonderful way to let your children know you love them. 

I'm pretty sure Aiden, who is 11, wouldn't necessarily think it's that cool at this stage in his life; however, it never hurts to try. If nothing else it will reinforce that he's on my mind and that I care about him.  That's never a bad thing.  

I'm going to start doing this Monday morning.  Granted, the way Aiden's backpack is organized, he may not find it til Friday but it's worth a shot.  For Emrie, who is 2.5 (according to her), I think I'm just going to start putting a bright sticky note on her mirror in her room each morning with a hand drawn picture to start her day with a smile. 

I'm going to call it "The Morning Message from Mom"  Brilliant.  I know.  

I thought you'd enjoy this picture of Emrie and Aiden on the "jumpoline" 

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